Sunshine Acres

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Sunshine Acres
Greeny 0 104 by Greeny
Dec 8, 2008 17:52:20 GMT -5


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Sunshine Acres
The house can be found about half a mile away from the stables in the corner of one of the fields which has been made into a garden. It is shaped like an octagon and has eight rooms on each floor. It is divided into segments like a cake, and there is a circular space in the middle where the stairs are, and on the ground floor a place for putting your shoes and coat. When you first walk in your in a room which is there simply because it's easy to find and you can go back to it if you get a bit lost. There are five floors, making this house quite simply enormous since every room is a good size, and all the same size. There is one window in every room except the one which has a door instead, always placed exactly in the center of the outside wall. The first and second floor are just living space, the third floor is for humans, and the fourth and fifth floor are for her pets. The garden is just a field with a few flowers.

She has six barns, one for racing mares, one for jumping mares and one for cross country mares, it's the same with the other three, except with stallions. There are no stalls, the horses can just wander around their barns, which are spacious and clean. There are nine paddocks and nine fields, the fields are big and the paddocks are quite small.

Ranch owned by: Zoe Jamaya Oakleaf
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